Asatizah Recognition Scheme
Apply for Asatizah Recognition Scheme
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Muis)
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Application Details
For religious teacher/asatizah conducting religious classes or Quranic classes.
- What constitutes Islamic teaching?
Islamic teaching refers to the provision of Islamic instruction in any subject or field in an IECP to one or more persons who are not his or her family member or members. A "family member" here refers to one's spouse, children, parents, in-laws, siblings, or any other individual who is related by blood or marriage and is living in the same household as the person. - Who does ARS apply to?
ARS applies to everyone teaching Islam in Singapore. This includes Singapore residents, Permanent Residents as well as those on Employment Pass for religious teaching and persons on Long-Term Visit Pass from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
ARS is not applicable to foreign religious speakers as they are regulated under a different permit scheme known as the Miscellaneous Work Pass (MWP) issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). Local sponsors of such religious speakers should ensure that the speakers possess formal religious qualifications before applying for the MWP. - What are the requirements to qualify for ARS?
Every application will be considered on the following basis:
a. The applicant is satisfactorily trained to teach at an Islamic education centre (based on the qualifications in the criteria table below); and
b. The applicant is a fit and proper* person to teach at an Islamic education centre.
* In considering whether a person is fit or proper to teach, the following will be taken into account -
i. any conviction for any offence involving dishonesty, moral turpitude, violence or harm to children
ii. prior suspension or cancellation of ARS
iii. any behaviour of the person that does not satisfy a standard of behaviour generally expected of a teacher at an IECP, or is otherwise disgraceful or improper
Note: For graduates of Islamic studies from foreign institutions, they are required to attend the Certificate in Islamic Context programme run by Muis Academy as part of a full recognition under the ARS. - How do I register
Application to be registered under ARS can be made via - What is the mandatory Asatizah Recognition scheme (ARS)?
Under Section 87 of the Administration Muslim Law Act (AMLA) requires:
(1) any individual teaching Islam in Singapore, and
(2) any provider that offers Islamic education
To be registered and regulated.
The Muslim Religious School rules under Section 87 of Administration of Muslim Law Act (AMLA) covers the following:
a. Requiring the registration of asatizah under the ARS.
b. Suspending or cancelling the ARS status of asatizah who propagates misguided views and doctrines
Requiring the registration of Islamic Education Centres and Providers acting against errant centres or providers that employ non-ARS religious teachers to teach or which uses curriculum that contravenes the doctrinal parameters of the ARS Code of Ethics. - What is continuous Professional Education (CPE)?
Continuous Professional Education (CPE) is a training scheme to enhance the professionalism of ARS Asatizah. ARS Asatizah will need to fulfil a minimum number of credit hours within three years through participation in recognised professional development programmes, in order for their ARS recognition to be renewed. - What is the CPE requirements?
The CPE requirements vary according to the two tiers - Islamic Teacher (Asatizah) or Quranic Teacher.
a. Islamic Teacher : 30 CPE credit hours in three years Quranic Teacher : 10 CPE credit hours in three years - Exemptions from CPE
The following may be exempted from the CPE requirements:
a. Full-time students in undergraduate or post-graduate Islamic Studies programmes (required to produce letter of acceptance from university);
b. 65 years and above;
c. Long term medical treatment (required to produce document from hospital);
*Asatizah who wish to seek CPE exemption are required to submit the relevant documents to the ARS Secretariat office. - How much is the registration fee?
Applicants are required to pay a one-time registration fee of SGD10 which can be made via paypal payment. - How long is the application process?
Asatizah Recognition Board (ARB) will assess every complete application. This may take up to 2 months before the outcome of the application is conveyed to the applicant.
Applicants may be called for an interview by ARB where necessary to complete the assessment process.
Applicants who have been successfully registered will receive an ARS Certificate. Other outcomes of assessment including a provisional recognition will be communicated to the applicant officially.
Additional Information
Kindly take note that the $10.00 application fee is waived until further notice.
Documents Needed
File format: jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx
Maximum upload per application: 2MB - Education Transcripts and Certificates
Please scan the documents. Documents taken as photos will not be accepted.
File format: pdf
Maximum upload per application: 2MB - Passport-sized Photo
1. Taken within the last 3 months
2. Clear and in focus, 35mm wide by 45mm high, without any borders
3. In colour taken against a plain white background without shadows
4. Avoid white headgear and plain white clothing (headgear worn in accordance with religious or racial customs is acceptable but must not hide any facial features)
5. Full face with the upper shoulders visible, facing forward with eyes open
6. Hair must not cover the eyebrows or the eyes
7. Even exposure (must not be taken under direct lighting)
8. Spectacle frames must not cover part of the eyes
9. Spectacle lenses must not reflect or glare
10. You must look at the camera with a neutral expression and with mouth closed.
File format: jpg
Maximum upload per application: 2MB - Testimonial, Education Transcripts and Certificates
Please scan the documents. Documents taken as photos will not be accepted.
File format: pdf
Maximum upload per application: 2MB